
產業新聞 - 2023

Exploring Recyclable Solutions and Sustainable Practices in the Plastic and Rubber Industries for Eco-Friendly Impac
In an era defined by a heightened awareness of environmental sustainability, industries worldwide are undergoing a paradigm shift towards more eco-conscious practices. This profound transformation is catalyzed by a collective understanding of the urgent need to address the ecological impact of industrial operations. Among the vanguard of this global movement, the plastic and rubber industries emerge as pivotal players. Their prominence in the landscape of global production underscores the significance of their role in this transformative endeavor. With an acute cognizance of their responsibilities, these industries are embracing recyclable solutions and pioneering sustainable practices to curtail their environmental footprint.
What Are The Advantages And Challenges of Vietnam’s Plastic And Rubber Industry From The Perspective of Foreigners?
After decades of development and rapid economic growth, Vietnam has established itself as one of the unignorable regional economic powerhouses, with an astonishing rising consumption for goods matching the rapid growth, making Vietnam the one of largest economic entities and markets in Southeast Asia. What are the advantages of Vietnam, making it so accretive to foreign investors and international buyers, and what are the potential challenges Vietnam will face in the present and in the future?
The Ongoing Global Trend of Sustainability, And Why Should Vietnam Take Action?
In recent years, the effect of global warming and environmental issues has significantly shown and devastated some countries and regions, Vietnam is no stranger to the effect of increasing natural disasters, where the frequency of cases of typhoons, tropical storms, floods, drought, saltwater intrusion, landslides, and forest fires have exponentially grown. Thus, to ease or slow down the rate of natural disasters, the plastic and rubber industry in Vietnam must catch up with the global trend of sustainable development.
The PIDC Take The Leads In Green Innovation and Assists Industries Improve Competitiveness By Achieving Sustainable Production
Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC) was established and funded by the government and plastics industries in 1993. PIDC has been providing a wide range of services and assistance such as technology R&D, product verification, sustainability management counseling, talent training, etc.​ Our mission is to promote a more secure, sustainable, and high-value-added plastics industry.​
VietnamPrintPack 2023 will take place from 27-30/9 to propel innovation in the printing & packaging industry
Vietnam's economy has experienced remarkable growth, driving increased consumption and production within the country. This expansion has led to a growing demand for printing and packaging services. However, one significant challenge facing the industry is the shortage of suppliers providing high-quality products.
Elastomers World Summits 2023 set to feature leading industry experts
The "home" of the global elastomers industry will take place on 28-29 November in Amsterdam Both Thermoplastic Elastomers and Silicone Elastomers World Summit bring together manufacturers, processors, end-users, designers and researchers for a summit-style technical discussion of silicone and TPE elastomer materials, global markets, processing advancements and novel applications. Taking place on 28-29th November 2023, these co-located events will provide exclusive insights on the market.  
T-PLAS 2023 | 9月20日至23日 @ BITEC, 曼谷 - "回收解決方案"專區將展示創新機械和高科技解決方案 塑膠幾乎存在於我們生活環境的各個領域中,形成了一個複雜而動態的挑戰與機遇的景觀。隨著對塑膠產品和包裝的需求不斷增加,以及對可持續解決方案的迫切需求,人們開始更加關注回收和可生物降解替代品的使用。這些變革激發了創新,同時也帶來了新的挑戰,例如對先進加工和分類技術的需求,新材料的開發以及高效的回收基礎設施的建立。 應對這些挑戰需要多方面的方法,包括價值鏈上的協作。政策制定者、行業領袖和消費者必須共同努力,建立明確的指南,促進塑膠材料的負責生產、使用和處理。企業也必須投資於新技術和研究,開發新材料,改善回收過程的效率。在這些挑戰中,也存在著增長和創新的機會。那些能夠適應變化的企業,並開發出符合消費者需求和法規要求的可持續解決方案,將在市場上取得成功。T-PLAS 2023將特別聚焦於回收解決方案,將這些問題置於核心位置。
B2B 商務平台如何拓銷全球,獲利亮眼?
B2B 商務平台在過去十年中,對台灣傳統產業來說越來越重要,許多企業都會將公司產品與資訊曝光在 B2B 商務平台,如今全球 B2B 商務平台的數量已不勝枚舉。