
來自台灣的鑫隆滾牙以高品質產品及服務聞名,專門製造吹膜機模具系統。PRM-TAIWAN採訪到鑫隆生產部經理Sandy Chen,他觀察到K展會上的參展商從2019到現在有許多新的技術發展,也期待展後能看見全球對於塑橡膠產業有更多創新及改變。
透過採訪世林機械日本代理商Kenji Murai先生,讓我們可以瞭解到塑膠回收機械於疫情期間的影響,還有他對於整體日本市場的經營分享。
台灣之光押出模具廠-政鈺機械與PRM-TAIWAN在K Show攜手帶來最新的展會消息。 PRM-TAIWAN訪問到政鈺機械總經理Howard Chao,他與我們分享到俄烏戰爭影響了歐洲能源政策,該情況也直接衝擊了整個歐洲市場。 對於今年的展覽狀況來說,Howard表示今年參觀人潮比預期多許多,希望能在展後收穫到更多新的合作夥伴。
圖坦譜為瑞士知名溫度控制器品牌,主要應用於塑膠射出機械,PRM-TAIWAN今天採訪到了圖坦譜總經理Jasmine Koller以及台灣區總經理Allen Tsai。   Jasmine為我們介紹了他們的公司與產品特色,也分享了他對這次K展況的看法。 負責台灣市場的Allen向我們介紹了自己在台灣分公司的定位,想瞭解更多細節,請點擊以下影片或與PRM-TAIWAN聯繫。
廣東金明是享譽國際的吹膜機械廠,PRM-TAIWAN今天採訪到金明副總裁Simeon Wang。Simeon向我們提到,金明近幾年發展出MDOPE解決方案,它能使薄膜可直接印刷且更具延展性。PRM小編也觀察到金明的風環等關鍵零組件都是出自自家廠製造,因此能對吹出的薄膜達到非常穩定的控制,想一睹金明吹膜機的風采?請手刀點擊收看我們的採訪影片!   另外Simeon也向我們說明了金明的自動化技術在疫情期間解決了許多距離的問題,在K 2022也觀察到永續發展的重要性,期待在K之後市場狀態能夠更加活躍。
PRM-TAIWAN曾在2019的K採訪過Dynisco全球副總裁Bill Desrosiers,歷經了三年全球環境大轉變後,我們很榮幸再與Bill見面。 Bill向我們講述這三年來產業間的轉變,以及K三大主題的應用。另外提及Dynisco在今年參展的首要任務,是要和全球的夥伴們分享最新的技術發展以及如何應用於循環經濟
Maguire為美國知名混料機品牌,專門供應塑橡膠原料攪拌及給料。 PRM-TAIWAN在K邀請到Maguire全球銷售副總裁Frank Kavanagh,以及台灣區業務經理Tony Tsai。 訪談中提及到疫情期間面臨到的最大挑戰;產品創新如何於K三大主題進行應用與結合;最後Frank說明這次來K的主要目的是與好久不見的客人面對面洽談新的發展。
PRM-TAIWAN今天很榮幸採訪到來自台灣的台榮實業,主打高週波與超音波塑膠熔接機械。 台榮業務經理Tony Su向我們介紹公司的產品應用,包含醫療相關、文具用品等包裝熔接。Tony也向我們介紹台榮在K展示的主打機台,讓我們迅速了解到台榮為客戶的專業客製以及解決方案,如果您有對於塑膠熔接機械的需求,歡迎與PRM-TAIWAN聯繫!
本集採訪台灣包裝協會理事長 廖本泉先生,以自身經歷來講述疫情的衝擊和數位轉型對產業的重要性;透過以理事長的角度分享和鼓勵台灣包裝產業的廠商如何藉由網路行銷來拓展市場,以及後疫情時代的商機。
At the recent TAIPEI PACK 2020, the famous packaging machinery exhibition of Taiwan, we have interviewed Ms. June Pei, from POLYSTAR. POLYSTAR is one of the most famous and leading recycling and blown film machines manufacturer from Taiwan, and has sold machinery in many countries around the globe.  Ms. Pei shared her opinions and observations about the packaging industry, their recycling solutions related to the packaging industry, and also introduced the machinery they are showcasing at the exhibition. Moreover, she also mentioned the implementations to ease the effects of the pandemic on the business and the solutions they provide to their current and potential customers.  Let's watch the interview video together and learn more. Thank you for your opinions and questions that you can leave as a comment. Remember to subscribe to our social media channels for the forthcoming interview videos and similar videos!~
Welcome to take a look at our recent interview with LUYANG TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION COMPANY at TAIPEI PACK 2020.  Ress from PRM Media Channel interviewed Ms.  Mavis Ou, and gathered info about LUYANG's latest technology motors, gearboxes, and drivers.  As Ms. Ou stated,unlikely many companies focus only one product line, LUYANG manufacture motors, gearboxes, and drivers all together to provide a complete solution to its customers. This is crucial especially after Covid-19 brings some difficulties in terms of logistics and communication. LUYANG also attends TAIPEI PACK for many years, thus Ms. Ou has a broad insight into and comparison of the previous and current versions of the exhibition. During the interview, we had also a chance to hear her expressions about the market. Thank you for your opinions and questions in advance in the comment section. Remember to subscribe to our social media channels for the forthcoming interview videos and similar videos!~
PRM Media Channel glad to share our recent interview with JAW FENG MACHINERY at TAIPEI PACK 2020. Ms.  Mary Kuo shared deep insight into the packaging industry not only for the Taiwanese market but also the global market. She mentioned the effects of the pandemic on the vacuum packaging machinery industry specifically. She also shared with us how the companies are affected based on their sizes. TAIPEI PACK is a prestigious exhibition for JAW FENG MACHINERY, the company attends the exhibition every year at the same booth location and showcases many different vacuum packaging machinery customized based on the various needs of the customers. We suggest that it is worthy to take a look at the interview video. Your opinions and questions are most welcomed in the comment section. Remember to subscribe to our social media channels for the forthcoming interview videos and similar videos!~