分類: 再貼合機
國家: 台灣
電話: 886-2-23956686
傳真: 886-2-23217266
聯絡人: 黃總經理
Weight Box Size 7 cuboc meters
Mould Box Size L 2 x W 1.5 x H 1 m ( standard )
Chemical Tank 100 x 2 liters ( made by stainless steel )
Scale Unit Capacity 500 kg
Cycle Time 10 min / cycle
Production Speed 4 - 6 blocks / hour
Power Require 7.9 kW
The machine consist of weight box, chipping mixing tank and compressing station, mobile mould, chemical tanks, pump, hydraulic and electrical control panel with built-in weight indicator, timer for control chemicals and steam dosage. The density of foam block can be adjusted from 60 - 200 kilos per cubic meter, with special equipment and additional rubber waste, latex foam, tiring fabrics or other materials the density can be even higher.