分類: 流量比例閥
國家: 台灣
電話: +886-4-24874219
傳真: +886-4-24864269
聯絡人: 黃姵珊 小姐
影片 馬上詢問

產品型號: FC-20+PM-20

流量比例閥組是由PM控制器+FC流量比例閥所組成。透過類比信號0-10 V、4-20 mA或RS485 Modbus輸入至PM控制器,進而控制步進馬達帶動FC比例閥中的軸芯移動,達到閥體內部開口的開度變化。不論是氣體或液體的控制,流量皆可以完美的線性呈現,且能很精準與微小的控制流量,有助於對機台設備的性能提升。

產品特色 Features

◆ 體積小 compact

◆ 低成本 low cost

◆ 靈敏度高 High sensitive

◆ 類比/數位訊號 Analog / Digital signal

◆ 簡易控制 easy-control

◆ 線性全流量控制 Full scale linearity flow rate control


輸入訊號 VDC 0-10V / 4-20mA/RS485
工作電源 DC24V (≦12W)
指示燈狀態(*帶編碼器功能 ) on/off 燈亮表示馬達運轉(LED on is motor running)
on/off 燈熄表示馬達停止(LED off is motor stopping)
on/off 閃爍表示馬達故障(LED flashing is motor error)
*error/null 燈亮表示編碼器有誤(LED on is encoder error)
*error/null 燈熄表示編碼器正常(LED off is encoder normal)
編碼器解析度 1.587×10-3 mm
馬達狀態輸出 Sink 50mA
使用溫度範圍 0-60℃
線材長度 一米,如需加長另詢價


型號 FC-20
閥門類型 兩口兩位比例式針閥
口徑 G 1/8”
流體 惰性氣體和液體
壓力範圍 -1~7bar
流量範圍(空氣) 0~65L/min@6bar
流量範圍(水) 0~1L/min @6bar
重覆精度 ±0.1% F.S.
流量分辨率 0.1L/min@3bar
溫度範圍 0~84°C
開關時間(全開到全關) 1.5 sec
本體材質 鋁合金 或 不鏽鋼
密封件 Viton 或 FFKM
防護等級 IP52
Series Type     Type   Input Signal
FC 20 + PM 20 - E
  20: 0~65LPM     20: For FC-20   **E: 0-10V
120: 0~230LPM  120: For FC-120 A: 4-20mA
300: 0~400LPM 300: For FC-300 R: RS485 Modbus
1000: 0~1200LPM 1000: For FC-1000  
  1500: For FC-1500  

** For Command Signal type 0-10V, the minimum driving current is 3mA
- The indicated flow rate is air, please consult for liquid flow rate
- Please contact us for customized flow range
★ FC and PM series are calibrated in pair. Before operating, please ensure the serial numbers on FC and PM are in pair in order to prevent potential leakage issue.

Product Precautions

  1. Before piping is connected, it should be thoroughly blown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove chips, cutting oil and other debris from inside the pipe.
  2. When screwing together pipes and fittings, etc., be certain that chips from the pipe threads and sealing material do not get inside the piping. When sealant tape is used, leave 1.5 to 2 thread ridges exposed at the end of the threads.
  3. Do not operate in locations having an atmosphere of corrosive gases, chemicals, sea water, or where there will be contact with the same.
  4. Ensure the fluid passing through the valve does not contain solid particles. Please use a filter before the inlet port.
  5. In locations which receive direct sunlight, provide a protective cover etc.
  6. KaoLu’s product cannot be used as an emergency shutoff. A redundant safety system should be installed in the system to prevent serious injury or loss of life.

KaoLu Ent. Co. Ltd. products are warranted to the original purchaser only against defects in material or workmanship for 6 months from the date of manufacture. The extent of KaoLu’s liability under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective unit at KaoLu’s option. KaoLu shall have no liability under this warranty where improper installation or filtration occurred.