
華周工業新推出的FSL-TR1300 砲塔式四軸分條複捲機,是為了朝向自動化分條複捲作業而設計,以自動接料換卷,自動排紙管定位,成品輔助推料以及卸料裝置,來達到增加產能,減少人工換卷作業停頓時間。搭載彩色觸控螢幕的人機作業系統也提供了簡單易學的操作,以及作業參數的記憶,使產品品質穩定。
ISOTHANE® G Series Biorenewable TPU Resins are high performance environment-friendly TPU based on renewable materials with various bio-based content. They exhibit excellent transparency, mechanical properties, abrasive resistance and solvent resistance. ISOTHANE® G series can be processed by extrusion and/or injection molding. #Bio TPU #Bio-based material #recyclable material #Use recycled raw materials #environment #ESG
Webcontrol develops innovative solventless laminators with driven coating system and automatic turret unwind & rewind for high efficiency, consistent tension & minimum waste during roll changes.
Alfa Industrial soul thought - professional quality, put product quality in the first place. Whether it is the procurement of parts in the early stage or the final machine inspection, Alfa Industrial strictly monitors every link, every process and every detail to ensure the stability and performance of each machine.
YICHEEN is a professional equipment supplier that specializes in soft-material cutting technology, including die cutting, sheet cutting, slitting and laminating. Since 1979 we have been supplying soft material cutting machinery. This has now transformed into state of the art high-precision customized cutting equipment, which meets worldwide standards and guidelines.
TAIPEIPACK 2023 exhibition tour is coming! Follow Daniel to learn about Taiwanese packaging manufacturers And the first-hand industry information!
TAIPEIPACK 台北包裝展|PRM-TAIWAN 萬眾矚目的台北包裝展來囉! 無法來現場參與的夥伴們,別擔心! PRM這次也為大家準備了帶看展的節目 帶大家一睹展場的熱鬧氛圍!
哈囉!普迷們! 睽違已久的 CHINAPLAS ,各家廠商都拿出了哪些壓箱寶呢?這次就由長期駐點在中國的普拉夥伴——Joey 來帶大家深入展館看看今年的展覽現場的盛況! 歡迎想瞭解塑橡膠產業第一手行銷、貿易的消息的廠商,來找PRM喝咖啡、聊行銷!
什麼!你不知道有哪些廠商參展? 還不快點看看PRM為您帶來的CHINAPLAS帶看展 讓美美的~Alice帶大家一睹中國展的風采   歡迎想瞭解塑橡膠產業第一手行銷、貿易的消息的廠商來找PRM喝咖啡、聊行銷☕ ????PRM攤位號:7G01
【New generation high speed PP/HDPE raffia tape extrusion plant - GV series (Green Veloz)】 / Raffia Tape Extrusion Line/Plant Features - (HY7/SP-80GV) / ⚡️Suitable for making 100% recycle PP/HDPE materials ⚡️Finish products complies with the requirement of GRS(Global Recycled Standard). ⚡️Meet the requirements of companies interested in selling their products to ESG approved companies. ⚡️Rapid color changing.
The latest innovation of Three Layer Blown Film Machine is featured with 3 in 1 Gap Winder that combines Surface Type, Contact Drive Type and Gap Winding. We are pleased to invite Kung Hsing Machinery to share the insight of the Blow Film Industry with us, which includes application, ESG and the effect of geopolitic to the economy.
CHINAPLAS 2023 國際橡塑展 聚集海內外各大廠商的塑橡膠產業國際盛會!跟著PRM,帶你行銷全世界! 日期:2023年4月17-20日 開放時間:09:30-17:00 地點:中國.深圳國際會展中心 (廣東省深圳市寶安區福海街道展城路1號)